
Welcome, friend

Stay ahead in the dynamic landscape of retirement planning! Whether you're new to annuities or looking for more advanced planning concepts, Ash Retirement University provides a solid foundation for moving forward. Explore the library of videos below!

Welcome — What To Expect
A brief overview of what to expect from Ash’s Retirement University, including how it is organized, the type of topics covered and how to build your practice.
2 minutes | Level 100 | Annuity Basics
What Is An Annuity
Perfect for anyone just getting started, this video explains the basic features and benefits shared by annuities, as well as the different types available.
3 minutes | Level 100 | Annuity Basics
Life Insurance vs. Annuities
Discover the similarities the two products share, as well as where they differ, including uses, taxation and underwriting.
6 minutes | Level 100 | Annuity Basics
Annuity Contracts
Understand the roles of the four necessary parties of an annuity contract: an insurer, an owner, an annuitant and a beneficiary.
2 minutes | Level 100 | Annuity Basics
Annuity Phases
See how annuities work during accumulation, when the client is building assets — and decumulation, when the client is ready to take payments.
4 minutes | Level 100 | Annuity Basics
Income Annuities - Temporary vs Life Payouts
When it’s time to take money from an annuity, the payout can be temporary or for life. Find out how the options work.
7 minutes | Level 100 | Annuity Basics
Benefits of Annuities: S.P.L.I.N.T.
When explaining annuities to clients, consider these six discussion points as a way to guide the conversation toward success.
2 minutes | Level 100 | Annuity Basics
Market Value Adjustment (MVA)
Many annuities contain an MVA, which may impact the surrender value or withdrawals from the contact outside of a permitted window.
2 minutes | Level 100 | Annuity Basics
Fixed Annuities
With a modest guaranteed rate of return, fixed annuities are among the most conservative on the market.
3 minutes | Level 200 | Types of Annuities
Fixed Indexed Annuities
FIAs offer downside protection with upside potential. With a 0% floor, FIAs are more conservative than variable annuities and may appeal to clients.
3 minutes | Level 200 | How Components Work
Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities (MYGAs)
A form of fixed annuities, MYGAs offer a predictable and steady rate of return with a chance to renew, or replace, the annuity at the end of each term.
3 minutes | Level 200 | How Components Work
Registered Indexed Linked Annuities (RILAs)
RILAs are both the newest and fastest-growing category of annuity products, combing features from both indexed and variable annuities.
3 minutes | Level 200 | How Components Work
Variable Annuities
With funds invested directly in the stock market, variable annuities offer unlimited potential, but also exposure to market loss.
3 minutes | Level 200 | Types of Annuities
Exploring Types of Income Annuities
Dive deeper into payout options, contract provisions and how to turn a stream of retirement income on for your client.
2 minutes | Level 200 | Types of Annuities
Living Benefit Riders
Find out how the most common type of living benefit rider generates a stream of income without annuitizing the contract.
6 minutes | Level 200 | How Components Work
Navigating Required Minimum Distributions
Understanding the scope, calculation, timing and withdrawal procedures for RMDs is critical for an effective retirement plan.
3 minutes | Level 200 | How Components Work
Longevity Credits
Your client’s greatest risk is that of living too long. Find out how a unique feature offered with some annuities can combat that risk.
3 minutes | Level 200 | How Components Work
Access to Funds
Find out how to get income out of different types of annuities, and which seems to make the most sense for a particular situation.
3 minutes | Level 200 | How Components Work
Immediate vs Deferred
Immediate annuities begin paying an income within 13 months of the contract being issued, whereas deferred annuities begin later.
3 minutes | Level 200 | Comparison Insight
Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution
Defined benefit plans put risk on the employer, whereas with defined contribution plans the risk stays with the employee.
3 minutes | Level 200 | Comparison Insight

For financial producer use only. Not to be reproduced or shown to clients.

Prior to soliciting business, be certain you are appropriately licensed with your state, appointed with the insurer and the product has been approved for sale by the insurer in that state.